Is it possible to reformat a cd r
I thought that any cd player that supports. Put the disc in the DVD drive, and now in Windows Explorer click the disc burner drive and then click Close session on the toolbar.
Most of the old generation mp3 players don't recognize the UDF format that got written to the cd when you selected "format like an USB drive" in windows only the normal Data CD this will be recognized by all mp3 CD players or Audio CD this won't let you burn mp3s, but only 80 mins of audio files and it will be recognized even by the oldest cd players that don't support mp3s. Right click on the disc icon in my computer , then choose "erase disc".
Hope this helps. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article methods. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Method 1. The CD goes into your computer's CD tray with the label facing up.
If your computer doesn't have a CD drive, you'll have to buy an external one. It's a computer-shaped tab on the left side of the File Explorer window.
Click your disk drive's icon. You'll find this grey drive icon below the "Devices and drives" heading that's in the middle of the page. It's a tab in the upper-left side of the File Explorer window.
Clicking it prompts a toolbar to appear below the Manage tab. Click Format. This icon is on the far-left side of the toolbar.
It resembles a grey drive with a red, circling arrow on top of it. The Format window will open. Click the "File system" drop-down box, then click one of the following file systems. UDF stands for "Universal Disk Format", which means any of the following file systems can be used for media such as music or movies or for files: UDF 1.
UDF 2. Supports Blu-ray. Click Start , then click OK. Doing so will begin formatting your CD for your selected file system. Click OK when prompted. This will complete the formatting process.
Method 2. You can't format your disc on a Mac the same way you would on a Windows computer, but you can erase and re-format it to resolve errors. Click Go. This menu item is on the left side of the menu bar, which is at the top of your Mac's screen. A drop-down menu will appear. Select your model. How does HP install software and gather data? Learn how to upgrade to Windows 11 Windows 11 Upgrade Guide.
Overview Some CD discs allow you to write data and then erase the data to reuse the disc. The data on a re-writable disc can be erased using either the standard Windows Explorer or most data burning software applications. The first time a re-writable disc is used, some applications may prompt you for the following: Choose a name for the disc.
You should choose a name that identifies the type of data to be stored on the disc. Choose a disc format. When writing data to a new re-writable disc, you may be prompted to select the dics format as follows:. Live file system: An open format that allows data to be written and erased multiple times. Disc with this format may not be usable in a device with a different type of drive. For example, a music disc created on the computer may not play in a car radio.
Mastered: A format that allows data to be written to the disc only once. Additional files cannot be added to the disc at a later time. The right click format option is still present though. You should have the option to select all of those file systems in Windows Each is compatible with most devices but the latest 2. Formatting and erasing are technically the same thing. Both will overwrite the data stored on the disc with an empty file system ready for new data.