Who is eligible for school dinners
The Universal Credit rollout is currently expected to complete in March We have made a couple of enhancements to the website, for further information please see the FAQ 's, the enhancements are: An LGfL school can check eligibility on behalf of a parent, the parent will need to contact your child's school, as they can run a check on your behalf.
A parent of a child attending any LGfL school can now use this website to check their eligibility. A Certificate of Eligibility is available through our website for any child eligible for a free school meal that is attending a school in England. The Certificate of Eligibility should be taken to your child's school. Check eligibility Administrators FAQ. There are currently issues running eligibility checks on this website.
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Your net earned income is your household income after taxes and deductions and does not include income from Universal Credit or any other benefits you may receive.
Infant age pupils From September , if you have an infant age child those in Reception, year 1 or year 2 they can receive free school meals even if you don't meet the entitlement criteria listed above and without completing our application form. There are no results that match your search criteria. Contacting the chat service. Please wait Enter your question below. There are however a few exceptions that mean your child could be eligible for free school meals. Whether or not your child is entitled to free school meals usually comes down to what, if any, benefits you receive.
Children who get paid qualifying benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Click the link relevant to where you live to find out more on your eligibility in England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland. The process for applying for free school meals varies from council to council. In some cases, you apply through your local authority and in others you might need to apply directly to the school — but your council website will tell you this. However, if you are receiving Working Tax Credit run-on the payment you receive for a further four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit your child will usually be entitled.
The rules around eligibility for free school meals work the same for carers and foster parents as they do for birth parents, so you can use the guidance and links provided above to check eligibility. This is because the allowance is supposed to already include covering the cost of school meals. If this is your situation the best thing to do is speak to your local authority as you might want to come to some arrangement — e.