Who is muhammad in innocence of muslims
Since September, she has put her acting career, along with the rest of her life, on hold. Garcia is not taking any chances. She says that a private security firm is now providing hour protection for her, pro bono. In one month, working with a writer and two editors, she says she nearly finished writing a book about her experience, to be called The Innocence of Cindy Garcia. She says that she has called the F.
And that is wrong. I want to know why my government is not defending Cindy Garcia. Garcia is asserting copyright interest in The Innocence of Muslims, since she says she did not sign a release granting Nakoula the right to use her image. She wants to use that claim of ownership to force YouTube to take down the video.
And for good measure Garcia has also filed suit against all of the individuals who have reposted the video to YouTube.
One other cast member says he will be a plaintiff in two other lawsuits concerning The Innocence of Muslims.
The actor Dan Sutter intends to sue Nakoula and others for offenses including slander, libel, and invasion of privacy; and he plans to sue media outlets that published a picture of Sutter, identified as Nakoula, for publication of a false likeness and negligent publication, among other charges.
One Web site, board. Ambassador to Libya. Though aspiring actors in L. On the casting couch, a performer can at least try to push a lecherous producer away. Yet as digital technology democratizes filmmaking and the Web becomes the ultimate weapon of mass distribution, performers can, and increasingly will, lose control of what happens to their images, putting reputations at risk of severe damage or outright ruin.
Given radical Islamic strictures against visual depictions of the prophet, it is difficult to imagine how he could return to acting without putting his personal safety—and the safety of those he might work with—at significant risk. What do you do with something as bad as that?
That was said, but there was no context to it. And then Sam would be dancing around saying how wonderful we all were. And I would be like, O. See you later. Is it supposed to be about the Muslim religion? There were no references to the Koran, to Allah, no specific references. Tim Dax, for his part, remembers just one mention of religion on set, and he dismissed it as a strange non sequitur. Dax said no, and Nakoula told him they would murder him—because of his tattoos.
I am, too. Critics like to talk about the "films of the year", but the awful truth is that this year's most significant movie may well turn out to be a non-movie , a hoax movie, a bigoted piece of poison calculated to inflame the Muslim world. Innocence of Muslims is a minute low-budget video on YouTube, abysmally scripted, acted and directed; it might be risible were it not for the ugly Islamophobia which it promotes and whose effects are now being seen around the world.
It was apparently made by an Egyptian-American based in the greater Los Angeles area, one Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, reportedly a Coptic Christian, who initially claimed to be an Israeli property magnate called Sam Bacile, using funds from "Jewish donors".
How Nakoula actually bankrolled this film is not clear. He says his wife's family contributed the money; he himself is a convicted fraudster. This video is routinely described as a "trailer" and some screenings — of something — do appear to have taken place at one rented Californian cinema, but there is no proof that audiences ever saw anything substantially longer than this, nor that there is anything resembling a "film" of which this is a "trailer".
Yet the damage is done. People throughout the Muslim world are being persuaded that there is a proper feature-length entertainment, backed by Jewish donors and being watched by Americans in their movie theatres. The video appears first to show Christians being attacked and a medical clinic trashed by a Muslim mob in Egypt while the police stand idly by.
Most Viewed Stories. White racial resentments are on the rise again. More than 60 civilians, including many women and children, appear to have been killed, according to a new investigation. Most Popular. The two charges came after Bannon refused to comply with a House subpoena in the investigation into the January 6 riot at the U.
Goldbugs were screaming about inflation for years. Black Republicans who share strongly conservative views can paradoxically appeal to white racists as exceptions that prove their so-called rules. But no decision has yet been made over whether to reinstate the film on YouTube.
In the film, released as a trailer, Ms Garcia appears to ask whether the Prophet is a child molester. But she said she had been told she had been performing in a completely different film and the lines dubbed without her knowledge after filming. However, Google had argued that only the film-maker, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, owned the copyright, and, therefore, Ms Garcia had no right to demand its removal - and the appeals court agreed.
Nonetheless, the claim against Google is grounded in copyright law, not privacy, emotional distress, or tort law, and Garcia seeks to impose speech restrictions under copyright laws meant to foster rather than repress free expression.