Who is too close by
She holds an MA in literature and lives outside Baltimore, Maryland. Emily Watson as Dr. Emma Robertson. Denise Gough as Connie Mortensen. Jamie Sives as Karl Mortensen. Thalissa Teixeira as Ness. Karl Johnson as James de Cadenet. Reviews Too Close. Roxana Hadadi May 19, Roxana Hadadi Roxana Hadadi is a film, television, and pop culture critic. Now playing. Spencer Monica Castillo.
Night Teeth Nick Allen. Warning Simon Abrams. Mayor Pete Nick Allen. Love Hard Monica Castillo. Connie claims to have no memory of the night when she drove her car off a bridge with two small children inside. And why should you not, in fact, be both? Emily Watson plays the dutiful psychiatrist — the kind of character in which she has in recent years come to specialise most famously in Apple Tree Yard , for which she was Emmy-nominated.
Watson plays this bereaved mother and dissatisfied wife, who is confronted with a case and a client almost perfectly designed to push her to the edge, beautifully and believably. Her client, Connie, is played with utter conviction — and I would be surprised if not award-winningly — by Denise Gough. In flashback she is sunny, with an edge. But there is still plenty of fleshing out of these bare bones to come. Too Close is a fantastically compelling, brilliantly scripted whydunnit that is unquantifiably better than it needs to be.