Who owns axiom law
It has been a busy year for Factor. He had formerly helped found the Clutch Group, an e-discovery managed services firm, and served as its executive vice president. Last month, Factor hired Ed Sohn , a veteran managed services executive who last year joined EY Law when it acquired Pangea3 from Thomson Reuters, as its head of solutions. Factor employs people who, until the pandemic, worked from six offices in Poland, Belfast, Chicago, Raleigh, N.
While most now work virtually, a very limited number have begun to return to on-premises work in the Poland office. Lawyer staffing company Axiom announced it has received an investment from private equity firm Permira Funds and has scrapped its pursuit of a public offering.
The size of the investment from Permira was not disclosed. The company said its current management team, led by CEO Elena Donio, will remain in their current roles. It has been about eight months since a corporate reorganization at Axiom. The company in February spun off two business lines and announced it had filed paperwork with the U.
Securities and Exchange Commission to pursue an initial public offering. Had it gone public, Axiom would have been a rare publicly-traded legal business, but Donio said the decision to take private equity investment was not due to Wall Street reluctance.
The investment comes amid a shifting competitive landscape in the legal industry. Content Type Articles Cases. Limit Search to Slideshows. Publications Law. All Rights Reserved.
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