Why aeneas is a hero
He carries these lessons into the war that follows, taking care to ensure the proper burial of both ally and enemy. There are moments, of course, when Aeneas seems to lose track of his destiny—particularly during his dalliance with Dido in Carthage.
Aeneas is recalled to his duty in this case not by a long historical vision, but by an appeal from Jupiter to his obligation to his son, Ascanius, to whom Aeneas is devoted. The value Aeneas places on family is particularly evident in the scene in which he escorts his father and son out of Troy, bearing his elderly father on his back. He behaves no less honorably toward the gods, earnestly seeking to find out their wishes and conform to them as fully as possible.
His words to Dido in Books IV and VI express his commitment to obey fate rather than indulge his feelings of genuine romantic love. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. What makes Aeneas an epic hero? Why did Virgil choose Aeneas? Who was the Trojan hero of the epic The Aeneid? Why did Achilles cry over Hector? Is Menelaus a hero?
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However, there is one reason I cannot treat him as a hero. Aeneas is a brave and fearless warrior, but he never accomplishes any task totally by himself.